Dreimüller group

Educational research

Group Leader

PD Dr. med. Nadine Dreimüller
PD Dr. med. Nadine Dreimüller

Senior physician


Head of the group "Educational research"


Specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy

Master of medical education

Group members

 Dr. med. St. Schenkel

 M.Sc. Psych. M. Stoll


Brief description of the research group

We deal with concepts and strategies of competence-based training of future physicians. The aim is to optimize the step-by-step development of competencies of young physicians in the field of psychiatry and to accompany them in research.

 Important are

  • the continuous curricular development of teaching in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy on the basis of findings from educational research and the evaluation of the training program
  • the integration of modern e-learning and blended learning concepts
  • ensuring the quality of teaching and examinations through a comprehensive quality management system in teaching
  • providing university and subject didactic training of university lecturers

Major research topics

  • Competence-oriented testing
  • Use of audio response systems in psychiatric teaching
  • Improvement of bedside teaching
  • Communication training
  • Medical didactic qualifications
  • Films in education

Key publications

  • Koch C*, Dreimüller N, Weißkircher J, Deis N, Gaitzsch E, Wagner S, Stoll M, Bäßler F, Lieb K, Jünger J. Teaching Conflicts of Interest and Shared Decision Making to improve Risk Communication: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2019) doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05420-w.
  • Deis, N, Koch C, Dreimüller N, Gaitzsch E, Weisskircher J, Jünger J, Lieb K. Entwicklung, Development, implementation, and evaluation of a curriculum for medical students on conflicts of interest and communicating risk. GMS J Med Educ. (2019)
  • Dreimüller N, Schenkel S, Stoll M, Koch C, Lieb K, Jünger J. Development of a checklist for evaluating psychiatric report. BMC Medical education (2019) 19:121. (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-019-1559-1).
  • Weißkircher J, Koch C, Dreimüller N, Lieb K. Interessenkonflikte in der Medizin. Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit zu publizierten und wissenschaftlich evaluierten Lehrangeboten. GMS J Med Educ. 2017;34(3):Doc37. doi: 10.3205/zma001114.
  • Dreimüller N. Verschiedene Formen von Patientenberichten. In: Ärztliche Kommunikation, Praxisbuch zum Masterplan 2020 Herausgeberin: Jana Jünger ;Schattauer Verlag 2018 ISBN 978-3-608-43252-7
  • Dreimüller N, Hoffmann.  Emotional herausfordernde Situationen: Umgang mit Ungewissheit. . In: In: Ärztliche Kommunikation, Praxisbuch zum Masterplan 2020 Herausgeberin: Jana Jünger; Schattauer Verlag 2018 ISBN 978-3-608-43252-7
  • Dreimüller N. 50 Fälle Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 6. Aufl., unter Autorenschaft von: Klaus Lieb, Gitta Jacob, Nadine Dreimüller; Urban und Fischer Verlag 2020, ISBN  978-3-437-4335-9
  • Dreimüller N, Engelmann J. Psychopharmakotherapie. In: Psychiatrie hoch2, Herausgeber: Klaus Lieb, David Herzog, Daniel Turner; Urban und Fischer Verlag 2020, ISBN978-437-43990-2