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Conflict of interest statement

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Lieb did not receive any personal honoraria since 2008 for advisory board activities, CME activities, talks or other activities from pharmaceutical companies or medical device manufacturers. For conducting drug research as well as other research projects within our clinical study center, several co-workers of his clinic received grants between 2015 – 2017 from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Janssen-Cilag GmbH and Alan Boyd Consultants Ltd. (deposited at third party accounts of the clinic). Prof. Lieb received along with other scientists funding from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the establishment of the German Resilience Center (DRZ). He is a regular member of the „Scientific board psychotherapy” and the drug commission of the German Medical Association. From 2011 - 2014 he acted as speaker of the workgroup "Conflict of Interest" of the German Medical Association. Since 2014 he is chairman of committee of experts for transparency and independence of the German Medical Association. From 2013 to 2014 he was a member of the taskforce "Ethik" of the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. He is co-founder and member of the german branch of the „no free lunch organization” MEZIS e.V., for which he was board member from 2007-2011. He receives honoraria from the Academy for Medical Advanced Training of Rhineland-Palatinate for conducting CME courses in psychiatry and psychotherapy and is the director of LIBERMED, which offers CME courses in various medical disciplines that are independent from the pharmaceutical industry.